Oramedy – The latest innovative idea from Yumei Mise

Oramedy is the very first triamcinolone acetonide gel for the treatment of canker sores in the Philippines. The idea of marketing Oramedy came to the CEO of the company during a trip to Korea when a Korean dentist applied a similar formulation on a canker sore the CEO had at that time. The CEO was amazed at the effectiveness of the compound and saw a huge potential for it in the Philippine market.

After several years of strategizing and formulating a better and more affordable triamcinolone acetonide gel, the first batch of Oramedy hit the market.

The initial marketing thrust of Oramedy suffered several glitches. At first, the FDA mistakenly considered Oramedy as a prescription drug and there were several more requirements to the packaging.

After straightening out these glitches, Oramedy is now readily available at leading drugstores nationwide. The company believes that there is indeed a huge potential for Oramedy owing to its effectiveness.

Triamcinolone acetonide is a more potent form of triamcinolone, about 8 times more powerful than prednisone but is a much safer compound. It is a corticosteroid and therefore have anti-inflammatory properties which can help to limit the full extent to which a canker sore's ulceration will progress.

To date the marketing and ad campaign of Oramedy is underway.

Korea’s Dongkook Pharmaceuticals exclusively manufactures Oramedy for YUMEI MISE Company.

Why Oramedy Alis-Singaw?

  1. Oramedy provides INSTANT singaw pain relief.
  2. Oramedy is very easy to apply, without any pain or discomfort.
  3. Oramedy is so safe it can be administered to toddlers as young as 8 months old.
  4. Oramedy is so effective, Singaw is gone within 24 to 72 hours.
  5. For a limited time offer ORAMEDY SLASHES PRICE DOWN TO PHP198.00!!!
Experience INSTANT SINGAW PAIN RELIEF FROM Oramedy Alis-Singaw and understand why we are so much better than other singaw preparations out there.